Books That Will Change Your Life

We all know knowledge is power, but applying that knowledge is the key. When we read a great book or better yet, an amazing chapter in the great book, we should apply that knowledge right away to our business or life. Then, we should implement that knowledge on a regular basis. Or at least, add the step in our business system. Meaning, to give the task to someone in our business system. For them to implement the steps on a regular basis.

The true key to growth – learning new information and implementation of the new knowledge.

Full Disclosure: Some of these books I am suggesting have affiliate links connected to them, which does not cost you extra at all. But I will get a small percentage of the sale if you make a purchase. You can learn more on the affiliate disclaimer page. As always, I only share these products because they have helped me tremendously in my own life; I would like to share this value with you. So let’s get value.

My entrepreneurial journey started when I was working as a Quality Engineer at an aerospace company. Fresh to the corporate world as a “professional”, and I just survived two major layoffs at this company. I knew there had to be a better way to live life without the fear of working one day and then being unemployed the next. Back then, I had no clue on how to achieve financial independence from a J.O.B. (Just Over Broke). So, I just started researching financial management and how to get out of the rat race, so to speak.

Rich Dad Poor Dad

What the rich tell their kids that the poor don’t

That’s when I came across Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki. This book changed my life! Mr. Kiyosaki gave me the guidance that I wish I learned as a child (even though I was a stubborn child and probably would not have listened, but anyways) that you should not work for money, but you should work to learn how to mind your own business. Having your own business is the key to being financially secure. I also learned how truly financially illiterate I was, and this book gave me the advice that started me on a new journey.

To be honest with you, up to that point in my life, I had never read a book that was not assigned to me in a classroom course or required for me to do my job. I was, and still am, a math nerd. I was fond of reading math books, but even then, only while taking a math course. A purpose to read and an end goal to achieve are what I needed. I did not read for knowledge’s sake, but after reading Rich Dad Poor Dad I was hooked on knowing more. Still, I needed to read materials that had a purpose for me to achieve a goal and I had a new purpose.

Finding a Purpose in Life

My new purpose was to minimize my J.O.B. time so I could put more time minding my new business. I still was not sure what business I was going to get into, but I did know that I did not want to be tied down to a brick and mortar. The next book I came across was by a man named Tim Ferriss and it was The 4-Hour Workweek. This book taught me many things, but one of my biggest take-a-ways is the fact that I, a simple man (not a big corporation), can and should outsource tasks. My mind was blown!

I had no idea that was even a possibility for me. To me, outsourcing is what big companies did to save a buck. Some did to avoid paying high mandatory minimum wage (which were not high at all). Having the knowledge to outsource my work was a huge game changer. This book was also my first introduction to the concept of drop shipping. And the ability to have a product made for me based on an idea.

As I started to grow my knowledge towards entrepreneurship, the term I kept hearing over and over was mindset. Out of all my years in primary school, being prepped for engineering school, then military, to engineering school (engineering school came later) and finally working as an engineer professional, I never once heard the term “mindset”. This ideal would have been so crucial in all of those endeavors, especially, going through my engineering studies, when I wanted to quit so many times. As I was learning how to be a real estate investor, I was introduced to 3 amazing books. These are the books that I would like to introduce you to right now.

Sow a Thought, Reap an Action; Sow an Action, Reap a Habit…

First, with me still working full time as a Quality Engineer and now striving so hard to build my real estate business, while still learning the business and various mindsets, it was hard for me to get rid of old habits (binge watching tv shows, watching movies, etc.) and to create new habits. So, I went to my old friend Google and started researching how to create good habits.

This is when I came across The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change by Stephen R. Covey; let’s just say this book changed my life and my mindset. Sometimes, we go through life and we make decision that we know are right. We just flip a coin so-to-speak to make a choice or worst, we sit on the fence and never decide.

What’s Your Mission Statement and Core Values?

Most of us work at companies that have a Mission Statement and Core Value list, that some of us totally ignore (at least I did, I just wanted the pay check, not someone else’s ideology). However, Mr. Covey clearly states in his book that we all should have a Mission Statement and a Core Values list that we live our life by. Then when we need to make a decision, it is much easier when you have these two documents to base your choice.

Core values are something we grow up with and learn through life and some of us may have this figured out, but for some of us, to sit down and put some thought into this list by digging deep inside can be very beneficial. And having a Mission Statement for your own life, well, is just unheard of to me. But let me tell you, I look at my personal Mission Statement almost every day.

Know Your WHY

Why? What’s our reason for doing the things we do? Why am I spending this time to share this knowledge I gained over the past decade? I know my Why. Do you know yours? Yes, next on the list is to Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action by Simon Sinek. This concept is what got me through college, but the mindset did not have a title to it, it was just I wanted to graduate and make lots of money with a secure career. To be a successful entrepreneur, you need more than just the “I want to make lots of money” type of Why and Mr. Sinek does an amazing job to inspire you to become a great leader.

Define Precisely What You Want and Know Your Outcome

Lastly, but definitely not the least is this incredible man. In fact, when I was in high school, I remember seeing him on infomercials late at night. Back then, I was thinking, “Look at this scam. Who in the world needs a life coach? hahaha.” How naïve I was and many adults would probably have agreed with me, especially back then. While working as an Electrical Technician, his words had blown me away as I was listening to his audio tapes. At that time, my brain could not fully relate to what he was saying. I just was not at that level yet, but it sounded like a dream. What I do know is, at the time, he got me off of coffee; I had a new drive to push me to get through my college courses.

After I started my entrepreneurial journey, I went back to his audio tapes. I picked up his books and I saw him in a whole new light. It was like watching the sun rise for the first time after being blind your whole life. The concept of knowing your outcome and to precisely define what you want in life was revolutionary to me. Then to not just know, but to take action. My blinded eyes were now able to see the path more clearly.

Unlimited Power: The New Science Of Personal Achievement.

If you do not already know, I am talking about Mr. Anthony “Tony” Robbins. Up to this day, I still have not seen him live. Still, I’m listening to him on a regular basis. One way to help me keep on track when I feel a little lost. The first book (or audiobook) I would suggest for you to read by Tony Robbins is Unlimited Power: The New Science Of Personal Achievement. This book will truly unlock the power within you.

We all need support, no matter what level we get to. This is why I am doing what I am doing here. To provide a place for anyone to get support, knowledge, and to build a community that has comradery for all. I hope these books bring you closer to reaching your goals in life.

Please, let me know if this list helped you, or how these books helped you in your own life. I look forward to truly getting to know you in life.